Monday, July 28, 2008

More travel - Columbus OHIO

Weekend in Columbus - a nice (but quick) visit with the Obersts. Was able to walk to the airport (and home again when I got back on Sunday). Drove around with Bob and Pat looking at properties and picked up fresh corn from a local farm in Plains City. Went to see Batman with Stacey and Mitch - had a great time hanging out with them, such wonderful folks, being with them is so relaxing. Went to a movie theater that had a bar in the lobby and served food and drinks during the movie. OK, so I was less than thrilled with the movie (see review to the right). Then back to Bob and Pat's for dinner where Aunt Carol and Bob showed up. Cooked filets on the grill and had that fresh corn. Most unbelievable corn ever! it popped in my mouth. YUMMY! JC called and was able to talk to his folks. He has a lot going on (shocker!)... working too many hours. He said he only needs 10 more hours in a day and he could "get it all done". I am heading back to visit him in August - military SpaceA - I will have to give him something to do besides work. Bob got a new IMac and I loaded oovoo on it for them. Have yet to test it out. Doing the tiger growl... Watched Surf's Up on tv that nite - so CUTE! (see review). Back home on Sunday. Awesome flight. Got to the airport and lots of flights to the east coast were cancelled because of weather. My flight to National was heading out, but would be slightly delayed. The pilot wanted to go ahead and load the plane to be ready to take off as soon as they put us in the queue for National. Aggressive move! I liked it! Then, we were were about 60 miles out of DC and came into some clouds that looked so cool. THEN we flew right into the big thunderheads - it was too incredible to even take a picture! Yes! that is what I said! I think the pilot was cloud surfing. I was so jazzed when I walked off of the plane, I had to say to the pilot - "awesome flight". He said "Thanks" Oh and we flew right over Wolftrap where Michael was at the reggae festival. Ha!

1 comment:

msc said...

love the raaarr!!!!