Friday, May 16, 2008

Leticia was here!

My friend Leticia who I worked with at Kinko's was here Thursday nite on her way home from Richmond. It was so nice to have her come visit me here at the house. It was great to see her again. We just helped out her daughter Zoe with her Flat Zoe project for school. I took pictures around DC and I 'sent' Zoe to JC and he flew her down to Djibouti! So we took a couple more pics with Leticia while she was here.
And her friend Jeff came down from Philly just to have dinner with us. They knew each other back in Camarillo when they were younger and worked at my favorite K-Mart in the whole world! Great night!

1 comment:

msc said...

K-mart still exists?!?!